Terms of use
These Terms of Use and Terms apply to the Telesima website ("Website") that provides networking tracking applications, related products and services. Please read this Agreement carefully before accessing or using the Site
Legally binding contract
- These Terms and Conditions constitute a binding legal agreement between you and Telesima. You agree to be legally bound by clicking on a "I Agree" or other similar "button" or input field on the site with the mouse, keyboard, or other data import mechanism. These clicks are a legal equivalent of your handwritten signature.
- If you do not agree with the service terms that apply at any time, do not access, use, submit information or download from the site.
- The site and these Terms and Conditions may change without notice. We encourage visitors / users of Telesima websites to periodically review these terms for any changes, as the continued use of the site on their behalf implies acceptance of all possible modifications.
- You declare that you are either 18 years of age or older and you are fully qualified and authorized to enter into these Terms and Conditions or represent that you are under the age of 13 and you guarantee that you have obtained parental consent.
- It is forbidden to collect and process for this service sensitive personal data in violation of articles 4 par. 1 and 5 par. 1 and 2 of law 2472/97 as interpreted by the decisions of the Council of the Protection Authority Personal Data and Articles of the PD. 207/1998 and 79/2000 and Article 8 of Laws 2819/2000 and 3471/2006 on the protection of personal data and privacy in the electronic communications sector and European law (Directives 95/46 / EC and 97/66 / EC).
- More specifically, this service is forbidden to be used for the processing of sensitive personal data, ie the processing of any information relating to the data subject, in particular racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health, social welfare and erotic life, criminal prosecutions or convictions, as well as participation in associations related to such associations persons.
- Personal data to be lawfully processed must be collected in a manner that is legitimate and legitimate for defined, explicit and legitimate purposes and must be lawfully and lawfully processed in the light of these purposes (Article 4 (1) of Law 2472/1997). Processing is only permitted when the data subject has given his / her consent (Article 5 (1)) unless the processing is strictly necessary to satisfy the legitimate interest pursued by the controller or the third party or third parties to whom they are communicated the data and provided that this clearly outperforms the rights and interests of the data subjects and does not affect their fundamental freedoms..
- The data subject has the right to request and obtain from the controller, without delay and in a clear and comprehensible manner, all personal data concerning him / her, their origin, processing purposes, recipients, evolution and the logic of automated processing (Article 12 of L.2472 / 97). When data is collected from other sources, the update is made without delay, however, prior to any further use or processing of the data after registration (Article 2 of Reg. 1/1999 Act).
- Any attempt is made to indirectly use the content and services content, software and applications website for the benefit of staff or other business, whether commercial or otherwise, without the written consent of Telesima.
- For the above reasons, Telesima's site may forbid access to the information it presents and its services to anyone who does not comply with the above.
Visitor / User responsibility
- The visitor / User of the pages, applications and services of the Telesima site assumes responsibility for any damage caused to the Telesima site by malicious or improper use of the relevant services.
- For any damage or non-material damage caused by our services, the use, publication, or disclosure of any content is solely the customer / user responsible for restoring it. If, despite the amount of data, information, content, etc., our site is informed in any way of content or use that affects the personality of the honor or reputation of any third party and, in his judgment, causes non-pecuniary damage and property damage to thirdly, is entitled without prior notice,
a) Discontinue the operation of the user account and services.
(b) To take any legal remedy at its discretion to prevent the act in question and to cause any damage to third parties.
Limitation of Telesima Site Liability
- Under no circumstances, including negligence, shall the Telesima site be held liable for any damage incurred by the visitor or user as a result of accessing the pages, services, features, and content of the Telesima site on his or her own initiative and with full knowledge of these terms. The content and services of the Telesima site are provided "as is" without any express or implied warranty whatsoever. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Telesima site disclaims all warranties, including but not limited to those implying merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
- The Telesima site does not guarantee that the pages, services, features, and content will be provided without interruption or errors, nor does it guarantee that any errors will be corrected. Furthermore, Telesima does not guarantee that this site, any related site, or the servers through which these services are provided are free from viruses or other harmful components.
- No warranty for data recovery is provided in the event of a natural disaster, terrorist act, or cyberattack that may affect the servers used by Telesima for providing its services and storing customer/user data.
- It is noteworthy that all information regarding geographic markers and maps, upon which tracking data is based, is provided in accordance with the results from Google Maps, Microsoft's Bing Maps, and OpenStreetMap services. Consequently, Telesima shall not be held responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions in the information provided by these services.
- The data concerning the geographic locations of vehicles is stored on Telesima's servers for a period of 6 months, after which retrieval is not possible. Additionally, devices that have been registered on the platform but have not been activated or for which the initial subscription has not been paid for a period exceeding 6 months—and that are equipped with a Telesima SIM card—will be permanently deleted without the possibility of recovery. Finally, the SIM card in any device that remains unpaid for a period exceeding two years will be permanently deactivated.
- In cases where, following various circumstances, data considered important (such as reports, routes, etc.) arises, it is at the user's discretion—as the owner of the data—to store it on their own medium and safeguard it for future use.
- Telesima and its partners disclaim any liability for any breach of the above terms of use of this service, particularly with respect to the illegal collection and processing of sensitive personal data. By using this service, you agree, at your own expense, as a customer or user, to indemnify and hold harmless any individual for any claim, lawsuit, action, or proceeding arising to the extent that such claim, lawsuit, action, or proceeding is due to misuse of the service in violation of the above terms of use. This includes, but is not limited to, direct and consequential damages, loss of profits, or any other type of damage arising from or in any way related to the improper use of the service, regardless of whether the supplier was aware of the possibility of such damages.
- Detailed information on the use and management of your personal data can be found here.
- The above terms and conditions of use of the Telesima site, as well as any modification, alteration or alteration thereof, are governed by and supplemented by Greek law, European Union law and relevant international treaties.